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Q & A

Where do I bring the gifts?
Christmas Star gifts should be dropped off at Caring Community Friends, 12 W. Burnham, Sapulpa, by December 11th. (Monday - Friday 9AM-3PM)

Do all gifts need to be purchased from the provided shopping list?
No. While the families filled out the forms with what the child needs, it is up to each sponsor what they are able to purchase from the provided lists.

What is an appropriate amount to spend per child? We are estimating that each child will be about $150 for gifts and clothing.

We have nice, gently-used toys. Can we gift them?
No. We do ask that all toys are new and in their original packaging.

Do the gifts need to be wrapped?
No. You can bring the gifts wrapped or unwrapped. If unwrapped, wrapping essentials will be provided for the family. 


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